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The Sacrament of Baptism is the foundation of the Sacramental life of the Church. In this sacrament, we are cleansed from sin and are reborn of water and the Holy Spirit, and are incorporated into the Body of Christ. (See the Catechism of the Catholic Church 1213-1284.) We live out the promises we make at our baptism by regularly practicing our faith. It is therefore important that you and the baptismal sponsor(s) pray and reflect about the raising of your child in the Catholic faith.

Forms for Parents:
   Baptism Parent Checklist
   Baptism Record Information Form
   Godparent Permission Letter

New Parents must register for our Baptism Seminar:

We recommend you plan to attend the seminar before your child is due. This will allow for you to be prepared to set the Baptism date as soon as you would like after your child is born.

Please Contact Angela BonDurant for questions:
318-841-8265   or

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